Get Involved
There are several ways you can learn more, help, or get involved with Extinction Rebellion US (XR US). Every person has something to contribute to the fight against the climate and ecological crisis, and we wholeheartedly welcome anyone who wants to get involved. We especially encourage people of color, Indigenous people, women, those who identify as LGBTQIA+, and members of other traditionally underrepresented groups to join.
Get Informed
First, check out the XR US Demands and Principles, which is the basis of unity for everyone in XR US.
Get Involved
If you agree with the demands and principles, the first step is to sign up to our nationwide email list. You can then find a Local Group in your area and sign up to receive updates from that chapter, as well as connect to their social media.
If you want to take a direct role in XR, consider reaching out to a local chapter -- or start one! Please make sure that you have deeply considered the demands and principles linked above first.
How to Start an Extinction Rebellion US Local Group and/or Join the Network of XR US Local Groups
Gather your people. At least two or more to get started. Two heads are better than one, and three is even better. Share some food and start learning and building together.
First, each person should ask themselves the following:
- Do you agree with and will advocate for the four demands?
The basis of all XR US membership is supporting the XR US demands and principles. The demands and principles cannot be changed or deleted by an individual XR member or XR local group on their own. Please take time to consider the demands carefully.
- Do you commit to working in ways that are in alignment with the principles?
The basis of all XR US membership is supporting the XR US demands and principles. The demands and principles cannot be changed or deleted by an individual XR member or XR local group on their own. Please take time to consider the principles carefully.
- Do you want to work in a group whose main work is to do sustained, nonviolent direct action and mass-scale nonviolent civil disobedience which forces the government to meet the four demands?
Clarification: There’s a role for everyone in a rebellion. Although one of our most important goals is to help expand the scope of what is necessary and “socially acceptable” regarding resistance to the climate and ecological crisis – and for those who can, to ask more of ourselves – no one needs to risk arrest if they don’t want to or can’t, for any reason.
We celebrate everyone’s decisions regarding legal risk. In fact, most people will not be risking arrest. And, to have a chance to succeed, we will need thousands and thousands to risk arrest. Those who do choose to risk arrest and are most vulnerable to police violence will need more support. Local groups should always offer legal briefings for civil disobedience actions that take into account how the police and courts target and/or punish Black people and people of color, poor people, and people of different genders disproportionately. And be prepared and transparent about what support will be available.
The fact that XR’s work is focused on mass civil disobedience that escalates in levels of disruption until our demands are met does not mean that our work is restricted to civil disobedience. It does mean that whatever we are doing - whether it’s organizing a community gardening day or hosting a film showing - we are doing with the goal and as part of a strategy of building capacity and support for doing mass civil disobedience on a scale never done before.
If you have at least two or more people committed to start the group, and you all have read the demands and principles and answered yes to the questions above, you're ready for the next steps! :)
Next Steps:
Please download the XR US Rebellion Manual in order to find out how to start an XR US local group. This document, in part, contains instructions for how to join the network of XR US local groups and get listed on the website etc., including the final step - participating in one Q & A / Orientation Conference Call. The conference call information is in the manual.
Please email us at to let us know when you and at least one other person has completed all the steps above and are ready to do a conference call, which is the last step in the process. And let us know if you have any questions.
Thanks so much for stepping forward! Every person who steps forward is precious to the movement.We look forward to working together :)